Monday, June 30, 2008

Be careful what you wish for?

I have always heard this saying from my friend...

Remember on my 28th birthday in Tokyo... my wish was to have a loving relationship.. and I am willing to have take my promising career for it...

and now I have this wonderful man by my side.... but my career seems to be kind of in limbo..

haha i guess you can have it all.. but just not at the same time = ) I guess one cannot be greedy..

Sunday, June 15, 2008


幸福的指標 ,其實取決於你愛那個人怎樣待你 。

thank you.... a million thank you to you........

Monday, June 9, 2008


still feeling very unsettled.... but there is nothing I can help it...

So how much closet space should I save for u?

John popped this question when he was standing next to my closet in my NY apartment. (note.. there is another closet which he is forbidden to open)

with a potential talk of moving in together in London.... I guess he really needs to think in some realistic terms..

My solution : Since John doesnt buy any clothes himself, if I dont buy anything for him. The rest of the closet space is mine! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Note : who doesnt want to have the dream closet tailored made by Mr Big?!?!?! (have you watched SATC the movie?)

Hello Ms Japan 2005 and 2008

Cant believe I see you again! Ms Japan -> the robot who can speak in 4 langugages -> Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean

last time I saw Ms Japan was in the World Expo in Aichi, I was already stunned by the flexibility of her facial expression and hand motion. wow.. if this was built in 2005. hum.. imagine if I can hire a robot to do my housework in the next 10 years? haha

Record High Temperature

oh god... it is close to 97F!!!!

whatz better than a MacDonald Chocolate Sundae!


Sunday at the Met

hum.... weather forecast to be raining on sunday.. what is the best thing to do for free?
Ding Ding! The museum! It is free and with air conditioned!

Looking at the website, the Met offered a range of different tours on its exhibition, which is just perfect for museum idiot like me!

So... the one I picked is "The Dress, a detailed look at the scuptures" ... It was a good 20 people group, lead by a very elegant lady who walked us through different sections of the museum, explaining different scuptures. It provides me a very different insight to look at art = )

Treasure in New York