Monday, August 4, 2008

What to do for one month in NY?

people keep asking and I kept thinking... Should I travel within the states? Other than the bachelorette party at Vegas... other places I will have to go by myself and thatz no fun....

When I was attending the Juillard school of music conceret at MoMa last nite... I just came to realize.. why dont I stay at the City and really SEE the city?

With all the free events and fee admission to the world-class museum.. why dont I make use of it while I am here?

This is like the summer month that I never had when I was in University.. Imagine, if I have a month.. what would I do?

Free Gallery talks at the MoMa and the Met
Free concerts and plays in Central Park
Museum of Natural History...
Free kayak at the Hudson Bay river
Free movie under the stars
The Free Cheese and Wine for mini gallery openings....
The Botantical Garden
The museums at the F.I.T (too bad their summer school are gone)

and on the side.. I will get back to my fitness regime and cook for Sally-chan with yummy soup. and maybe make use of my final month of health insurance and go for accupunture..

I guess I never really get to ENJOY the city since I was too bothered with work... so...

in retrospect, One month in NY? thatz the best thing that can ever happen! I have my apartment and I still have my MS benefits!

yo... Aug is Eva's month = )

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