Thursday, May 29, 2008

and the verdict is....

I am very keen to write down a lot of my thoughts on the current firm events... but there are too much that I dont know where to start. It might sound very lame.. but I believe in krama... if you act well, you will be rewarded..

Emi, remember all the weird stories I told you of my work life in NY? it turnt out.. all those people whose work attitude and philosphy that I dont understand and dont agree on... are now all gone..... so I guess it is true how the truth will reveal..

However, at the same time.. I am not sure if I agree with the new mgmt philiosphy as well.. The strong, arrogant, you are either of value or no value.. cut throat competition...

I will always miss the peaceful, yet processive atmostphere I enjoyed in Japan. But I understand I have moved on now... I cant always wished to be in the "pampered garden"

the one and only biggest tree in my garden now is planted in the Great Britian = )

1 comment:

eimi said...

Yea I remember that discussion. I guess you can call it karma..the weird work mentality wasnt turned a blind eye to...

I guess most IBs work the same way.. and hey Japan had their cuts too - and its the same - "pls pack today..."

Yea better to have a LIVE tree..even if it is in Great Britain!