Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Big 3

lately a lot of my friends have just passed the Big 3 day... and they all had big celebration to mark this significiant day in life.

is the Big 3 really important? is this really a time where we do a review on our accomplishment in life so far?

or is this a time when we compare our accomplishment with others and see how far we got?

instead of comparing myself to others... I rather compare myself to myself = )

I do notice some changes of myself as compared to a couple years ago...
- less energy to go out till late night
- more selective in making friends
- prefer quiet, heartful talk than big group hangout
- less frustrated when facing work issues, practicing more zen @ work...

I think the only thing that didnt change is my adventurous nature... = ) (but just done in a more subtle way)

Happy Birthday! to all my fabulous Big 3 friends! We have indeed made a long way here!

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