Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Emergency Exit Plan

All buildings have emergency exit plan.. so lately I think I should came up with one too.. Esp under the current situation at the firm.

So imagine you knew today is the firmwide layoff day and you see your colleagues go.. what will you do before you receive the deadly call? Even though I escaped this time, I think I should still get prepared in case this happen again.

Last week, I came to work.. found out both my bossess were let go... checked my london colleagues, they got let go as well..

1) I called my close friend at work... tried to find out the details.
2) I started copying down all the internal contacts I needed within the company
3) I started looking at internal job bank and copying down all the possible positions and contact
4) I started packing up all my confidential files at my passport copies, photo, to take it with me as I might be escorted out the building and cannot come back
5) in the meantime I called John to update him on the situation.

at first, I thought I was feeling too uneasy so I called John
but now when I calmed down and rethink.... The reason I called him is b/c if I got axed.. I would have to pay to call him! so I should make use of my possibily last chance to make free international call! i am no kidding...

They said the layoff is over but I dont really believe in them.. who knows in the next six month?
but is the above emergency exit plan good enough?

P.S. Emi, fyi... remember all the ppl that I complaint to you about? they all got axed... so I guess in the end... people do notice what you are doing.. and the truth will reveal... (only it takes time and you might not want to wait that long... but it will happen.. eventually)

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