Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good.. Bad... Good... Bad News.. it all depends how you view it

A lot happened over the last couple of days which I dont even know where to start... a brief recap in order

1) meeting John and his college friends in HK
2) Taiwan travel with John (met his ex-colleagues too)
3) Reading all the news about the earthquake in China (watching the news are even more heartbreaking than reading the paper)
4) meeting my old friends
5) receiving shocking news about company change during my vacation
6) I met John's parents and he met mine (and he was late for the dinner! Unforgivable!)
7) found out John's and my parents was in the same tour to the Silk Road two years ago
8) last but not least, came back to work and found out -> 2 of my bossess are axed, myself and another girl was left in the team and all my counterparties are gone. I am reporting back to the line but even the line reporting heads have also changed.

so it has been a mixture of good and bad news...

from a US prespective (or what my mentor have also told me) Personal life should be your priority, so I should be excited about the big jump in my relationship with John

for the little asian inside of me, I was crying everytime I read the newspaper about the earthqukate (at the same time, you must admit that this has removed the international focus on the problems on Tibet)

for the little workaholic inside me, I was shocked to find out basically my whole team was gone... (emi... I will write out what exactly happened today in a seperate blog entry.. it was bruttle) However, at the same time, it must also means I have done some good work in the past so thatz why they pick me to stay...

at the end of the day.. I just want to say... I am safe for now ( at least both for work and personal)

1 comment:

eimi said...

ahh congrats to both on taking the big leap!!