Thursday, May 8, 2008

Chocolate and Sake nite...

It has been a stressful day... I guess my above and beyond are all very stressed out. I meant, I felt stressed to see them shutting themselve in the room and going to all these "for the firm's best interest" meeting.

So let's face it. You read it in the news, you heard rumours. I knew this must be much worse than last time. There will be layoffs. My up and above actually stepped out from her room, stared at our desks (most of the people are out though) looking sad.. and walked back into her room. (haha.. yourself alone probably worth 3 headcounts)

As there is totally nothing we can do about it, my teammate and I have decided to make our lives easlier... we started throwing away things and organizing things so it will be easier when we "knock knock" have to go.... Our desk never looked soo clean before!

After work we went to the "chocolate and sake tasting" organized by the firm's Asian Society. It was held on the 41st floor, in the executive meeting room. The ocassion was nicely decorated with beautiful flowers. Not to mention all the yummy chocolates tastfully pair with different sake. It is probably my first time to try dark chocolates with curry, white chocolate with lemongrass, dark chocolate with sea salt...

It was a really good crowd too! We found out we are all the upper west siders = )

1 comment:

eimi said...

Hmm I have heard about it via Jam from colleagues in London, but didnt imagine the scenario until u described it. Must be quite jittery and tense, except for individuals with a great sense of humour who have decided to clean their tables a bit ;p

chocolate and sake sounds really good although I have never tried that combination.. goto get my hands on it! ;)